+977 1 4536434, 4528240, 4541918 bnmtnepal@bnmt.org.np



Research, Evidence and Development Initiative (READ IT)


The Research, Evidence and Development Initiative (READ-It) aims to improve health outcomes through the application of reliable evidence synthesis. This will be achieved through increased number of evidence-informed decisions by global, regional and national decision makers that benefit the poor, including women. BNMT is the Nepali partner in this consortium project, and is conducting systematic reviews tailored to national evidence gaps identified and prioritised in consultation with key government stakeholders, to ensure the review findings are directly relevant and feed into the national decision making.


Women, adolescents, national decision makers, poor communities

Project Location

Project Location

Partners Involved

  • LSTM
  • Read-It

Funded by

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


Feedback / Inquiry

If you have any questions, Feedback or queries? Please contact us.