+977 1 4536434, 4528240, 4541918 bnmtnepal@bnmt.org.np



TB REACH Wave 5: Scale up of Intensified Active Case Finding Model in Nepal


Nepal is challenged by remotely dispersed populations in the hill districts and crowded migrant populations in plain (Terai) region. The mountainous topography has consequently made health services hard to reach for the majority of the hill residing population.  In Terai, significant numbers of people live in slums which are often densely populated, have poor sanitation and high prevalence of TB. These challenges have heavily impacted the tuberculosis elimination effort causing delay in diagnosis, poor diagnosis and treatment, increasing cases of MDR patients and inadequate follow up of patients.

BNMT Nepal’s TB REACH Wave -5 project involved active TB case finding in hard to reach communities with the mobilization of the network of Female Community Health Volunteers using three major strategies i.e. contact tracing; microscopic camps; and GeneXpert installation in four Nick Simons Institute (NSI) supported district government hospitals.

The essence of the project was to diagnose and cure the missing, unreported cases by increasing the service accessibility in high risk disadvantaged communities through direct screening, early diagnosis and support to the affected people with the necessary counselling, care and support for treatment adherence. The project started in July 2016 and ended in Dec 2018.

Integrated with the National TB Program, the project was executed in close coordination with the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and district stakeholders with the partnership of NSI. The project successfully identified 1092 new cases.

Target Groups and Beneficiaries

Total Population Coverage: 24, 16, 073
Beneficiaries: Presumptive TB and DR TB cases, people with TB and their close contacts, migrants, factory workers, hard to reach population and health care professionals

Project Location

Project Location

Partners Involved

  • NSI
  • Liverpool School
  • Nepal Government

Funded by

Success Stories


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