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News & Events

TB REACH Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Workshop, Nepalgunj

On 24th July, 2017 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Workshop for TB REACH project was organized in Nepalgunj. The workshop was conducted in close coordination with NSI and NTC, with the objectives of

  1. Sharing plan and finalize Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with concerned stakeholders (NTC, RHDs, DHO/PHOs, RTLOs, DTLOs and Laboratory personnel).
  2. Developing Common Understanding on TB REACH Project implementation.

The workshop was chaired by the Director of NTC, Dr. KedarNarshing KC; Director of Western Development Region, Dr. Tara NathPoudel; Director of Mid Western Development Region Ms. Rita Joshi and Director of Far Western Development Region, Dr. SushilNathPyakurel. Distinguised guests, Regional TB/ Leprosy Officer of Mid Western Development Region, Mr. Padam KC; District (Public) Health Officer- Gulmi, Mr. Uttam Kumar Koirala, and District TB/ Leprosy Officer and Lab Supervisors from the eight project districts i.e.Doti, Accham, Kapilvastu, Gulmi, Pyuthan, Arghakhanchi, Salyan and Bardiya,Dr. Kashim Shah from NSI and Ms. Bharati KC from Save the Childrenparticipated in the program.

The workshop was successful in informing all the distinguished government officials from NTC, RHD and DHO about the TB REACH project and its implementation. The workshop also received suggestions and feedback in the forms and formats to be used in the project. 

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