+977 1 4536434, 4528240, 4541918 bnmtnepal@bnmt.org.np

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News & Events

Handwashing awareness programs and hygiene kit distribution for communities in Basamadi, Makwanpurgadhi and Dhiyal

Under the project, Health Facilities Reconstruction and Health Service Strenghening in Makwanpur district, handwashing awareness raising programs and hygiene kits distribution programs were conducted in the intervention VDCs.The community people were oriented on importance of handwashing, prevention of water borne diseases and uses of toilet. After the orientation, hygiene kits were also distributed to the communities. The kits were selected based on the local needs and were provided in participation of HFOMC.






31st May

Handwashing orientation

Total: 100, Female: 89, Male: 11


1st June

Handwashing orientation

Total: 104, Female: 88, Male: 16


16th June

Handwashing program, hygiene kits distribution


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