+977 1 4536434, 4528240, 4541918 bnmtnepal@bnmt.org.np

News & Events

News & Events

PSS to Earthquake Affected Targeting Women, Elderly, Girls, Children and Marginalized in Bhaktapur and Kathmandu Districts

With the objective of providing Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) to earthquake affected population to foster their mental and psychosocial well being, BNMT Nepal continued implementation of community  level group counselling program targeting women, elderly, girls, children and marginalized population in the month of April and May 2017. The activities were conductedintheproject interventiondistricts,Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. Thesessions mainly focusedonstress managementand copingmechanism techniques. A total of 282 including 271 female and 11 male benefitted from the programs.

The details are given below:

VDC Date Beneficiaries
Gundu BhaktapurMunicipality Nagarkot 18th April Total –15,Female–15,Male –0
28th April Total –13,Female–13,Male –0
28th May Total –21,  Female-21,    Male-0
21st April Total –17,Female–17,Male –0
29th April Total –18,Female–18,Male –0
18th May Total–26,   Female-22, Male-4
Nagarkot 18thApril Total –17,Female–17,Male –0
29thApril Total –11,Female–11,Male –0
27th May Total– 12,  Female-11, Male-1
Kavresthali 20th April Total –15,Female–15,Male –0
29th April Total –15,Female–15,Male –0
30th May Total-18, Female-14, Male-4
Sankhu 23rd April Total –15,Female–15,Male –0
30th April Total –16,Female–10,Male –6
15th May Total-25, Female-25, Male-0
Sundarijal 23rd April Total –19,Female–19,Male –0
29th April Total –15,Female–15,Male –0


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